One app
View menu, order food and drinks, split and pay bills at participating restaurants from our app.
Zero spam
We don't share your contact details without consent. No need to worry about restaurants bombarding you with spam e-mails or texts.
Keep track
Retrieve bills and keep track of how much you've spent at restaurants and bars.
How it works
Select the items you wish to order and customise by adding or removing ingredients. Need a little help with the menu? Call a waiter by clicking the bell button.
Scan QR code
Already at the restaurant? Scan QR code to start or join a table. Not sure what restaurant to go to? Explore the menu of restaurants and bars, and special offers right from the app.
Settle bill
You can pay the entire bill or pay for what you’ve ordered, select items, or equally split the bill. All calculations are done for you automatically, so you don’t have to.
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27 Old Gloucester Street, London, WC1N 3AX, UK